Benjamin Lee
2 min readMar 17, 2020


Permaculturally Prancing: Depolarize the Meta-Geological Psychosphere

Sounds like we could all benefit from coming out of our social comfort zones and having conversations with our fellow community members liberal, red, white, blue collar, whatever you want to call yourself. Let’s make an America we can all call our own and be proud of. We have some gnarly colors!

I don’t want to hear you complain from a blog article. Bring your lovely colors to the town square, the Agora. Live into the American-Greek DNA roots before you shame your multi-millennial ancestral wisdom.

Speaking of town square, where is our welcome center? Have we agreed on where this is? Start where it already is for you personally, at home and expand from there. If you don’t feel welcome, I’ll pray for you… as well as those who struggle to understand you. God knows I could write a book on being misunderstood, but we don’t have time to read (w)right now. Particularly because we’re all so pissed-off-polarized.

When will we live into ourselves? Authenticity is where it’s at. Join the battle and immediately find out it’s not a war but a social ecosystem, a psychescape!

Grow beyond the black and white. “The strait line you draw for me… so perfect, so pure. Untie me from (this) reality. When every word is falling from your mouth… don’t let it become your escape.”

“Many conservatives are great academics, smart, intellectual and critical thinkers, they just don’t get the chance to shine among their radical Leftist colleagues. Many are from blue collar working class backgrounds but are far from anti-intellectual ignorant hicks or of a closed mindset in terms of bettering themselves and their children. Intellect can be made of many dimensions, book smart being just one. Common sense goes a long way too and you don’t need letters after your name to…(waaaawaaawaaah)” -A Lady of Reason



Benjamin Lee

Seeking ways of evolving humans from within & out, zero sum to symbiosis w/ Gaia. #auburnpermaculturepark & @EcoResCamps member. See “Welcome to Benni Blog”.